Tag: App Review

  • Mendeley Desktop: Linux Version

    Mendeley Desktop: Linux Version

    In the first day of this semester, a lecturer showed us a useful app: Mendeley. The name reminded me to something. I just remembered about library collection numbering system. But no, it’s Dewey system actually (I googled it just now). Or perhaps it’s more similar to a name of something about chemical. Umm… Mendeleev’s periodic…

  • A Little Issue when Installing Spotify

    A Little Issue when Installing Spotify

    Lately, when I was booting up to Windows, Spotify just got installed and a quite serious damage got occurred. I installed it as Groove Music suggested me to do so when I opened it and found some new changes, since Microsoft would stop their music streaming service by the end of this year. While I…

  • Klien Email Geary yang Praktis

    Klien Email Geary yang Praktis

    Geary, aplikasi klien email di Linux yang praktis dan bagus. Sangat mudah dalam pengelolaan email dan akun surel. Geary memanfaatkan teknologi IMAP. Dengan tampilan yang minimalis dan modern, menjadikan saya suka dengan aplikasi ini. Tetapi ada satu kekurangan yang cukup terasa, yaitu tiadanya fitur ekripsi dan dekripsi email. Pihak pengembang sudah pernah mengumumkan crowdfunding di…

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